Writing Coaching

Sometimes we need a little help to see how high we can really fly.

Most writers need some support as they move their stories from their creative minds to the page. No matter where you are on your writing journey — from “I have an idea but don’t know where to start” to “I’m almost done but can’t quite get there” — an individualized, one-on-one approach may be the next right thing.

Together we’ll evaluate what challenges you’re facing and what practices and exercises may help you rediscover the confident writer within. I’ll be your creative ally full of enthusiasm, perspective and belief in you as a writer. And I’ll bring a discerning eye and ear to your project.

You’ll receive:

  • An individualized approach to your creative process, writing practice and project

  • Customized writing prompts

  • Troubleshooting on your blocks and challenges

  • Feedback on up to 5,000 words per session — Note: I don’t offer detailed critique unless you are knee deep in your project and we decide together this will be helpful. My strength is using these pages to help you determine next steps.

What you can expect:

  • To do the work — You’ll be asked to do customized creative and writing exercises based on your issues and needs. You’ll also begin a regular writing practice if you don’t have one already. My intention is to make the “work” joyful and something you want to do because together we created a process that matches you, your goals and your lifestyle.

  • To dig deep — I’ll be asking you to peel back the layers of your personal onion to explore the true nature of your creative challenges and intentions. We’ll get to know your inner critic and begin to appreciate the necessity of — and lessons around — “failure.” We’ll look at the reasons making time to write is a struggle and why that storyline is stumping you. This process can be awkward, but it also can be remarkably freeing. All you need to do is decide if you’re ready to be curious, ask questions, do the work, and see where this journey takes you. You’ll discover fresh sources of inspiration, deepen your relationship with your inherent creativity, and build new momentum in your writing.

Coaching sessions start at $750 (CAD or USD) for a package of six 60-minute one-on-one sessions

Sessions are conducted online via Zoom or in-person if you’re in the Vancouver, BC area.

Before we get started… If you haven’t already taken one of my workshops, I’m happy to chat with you (it’s free) for 20 minutes to help us discern if we may be a good match.

Contact Rebecca with any questions or to set up an initial session.


Rebecca’s Writing